Home Lifestyle Business The Tech Trends Shaping the Beauty Industry in 2021

The Tech Trends Shaping the Beauty Industry in 2021

The age of technology is not giving anything a pass. Everything is, in this way or another, affected by or becoming involved with the technology. New frontiers are being met in the beauty industry, where modern technologies are helping companies reach and satisfy customers.

The tech trends in the beauty industry

The tech trends in the beauty industry

The lockdown and health measures have understandably caused a significant loss in the makeup industry, directly impacting relationships with customers, which had to be transferred to the virtual sphere. Some trends, more successful than others, are growing and are becoming a regular option when shopping for beauty.

1. Virtual “Try-on”

First thing first, you can’t decide how will a product look on you if you cannot try it. The problem with trying on is that you physically need to be in the store and under natural light. Here is where the first trend, “try-on” filters were handy. Whether you want to try a shade of lipstick or a pair of sunglasses, these filters provide you with just that – uploading the product on your face. These applications are a part of Instagram filters, so you can shop them even from social media. The key point here is that you find the product that suits you best.  You can also keep coming back to choose anything and everything uploaded there.

2. Virtual Artist

Some companies went a step further. They have developed applications where you can try out a whole make-up look. And then buy products which they should use for the particular makeup look of the customer’s choice. Let’s say you want a smokey eye in purple tones. The application will help you make it from a set of palettes or one pallet containing colours. With these, you can even check if the fake lashes will look good! And those are hard to decide on if you aren’t that familiar with different styles.

3. Detailed Instructions for Custom Care

With the difficulty of even reaching the makeup artist (or simply the boredom of the life inside), many have started playing with makeup looks. However, makeup is more complex than just playing with it. There is a theory behind it. For example, the way you apply your makeup, or the theory of colours behind it. Put it simply: the colours you put on yourself significantly impact the undertone of your skin, the colour of your hair, and your eyes. The personalization of makeup kits is becoming standard for cosmetic products suppliers in Australia, the USA, Europe, and Asia. From customized eye and face makeup to custom nail polish collections, everything is made to cater to the customer’s style.

4. Personalized Digital Diagnosis

Personalization is a must in the beauty industry, specifically in the cosmetic industry. With so many different lines of products – oily skin, sensitive skin, normal skin, all the way to the lines of products made for specific skin conditions, such as acne, rosacea, or keratosis pilaris, the consultation online seemed a fair shot. But this way, companies couldn’t cater to millions of customers, so the digital diagnosis was developed. From quizzes, intimate online consultations, or an AI-powered application, you can get the care made specifically for your skin, hair, or nails. The companies even include special offers when you join their customer clubs, ordering customized care.

Social Media power – the starting point

In the end, it is impossible to finish without the tech trend that started the personalization process and communication with customers altogether – social media platforms. The influencers made it clear that regular people want to use the best product for their skin. They also want the trendy one – developed with scientifically made or natural ingredients, that will for sure solve their issues.

There has been an interest in the people in companies likewise: who is behind their beloved product, who made it, who came up with it. The stories behind the success of the most successful products are often the ones that seem like hero stories, where the product “saves the day” of the person with an issue resolved by the product usage. It can be something simple as showing your difference, but it can be something more complex, like a skincare product that helps with a specific skin condition. Regular communication and transparent presentation of the brand is the key to getting attention. But it is even more essential in keeping and growing customer numbers.

With the way society is moving, the tech-powered beauty industry is here to stay. The improvements are most certainly welcomed, but the need for the humane factor is also rising. Look at it this way – people want the best product catered to their style, served by an experience from the others, be it the other customers or the company themselves. Do not be afraid to try these tech trends out that they will keep coming.

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