Home Tips & Tricks 7 Writing Tips to Create Engaging Content for Your App

7 Writing Tips to Create Engaging Content for Your App

Doing business in the modern digitized world has become quite a regular occupation that requires only a good idea, some effort, and a little investment. One of the best things about modern business is that you don’t have to produce any physical items, but still bring about a huge value to the world. It’s all about digital goods nowadays. So, if you consider doing such business, entering the app market might be a great idea for you.

Writing tips to engage your customers

Quality Content Writing

The Digital Marketplace

The app development industry is truly fascinating. The number of mobile apps existing today is impossible to count, while the market grosses exceed $100 billion and are projected to quadruple over the next 5 years or so. So, there’s absolutely no doubt that there will always be an opportunity for you on the mobile app market. Now, what about the challenges? Nothing is perfect, and the app market must contain its own unique nuances and pitfalls. Gladly, most of them are rather solvable, with just a little effort.

If you ever had an interest in the app market, you probably know that there are such challenges as the development process itself, as well as the issue of entering the right platform. Yet, one other issue is often overlooked, although it requires some solutions, too. And that issue is content creation.

Regardless of whether you develop a high-tech mobile game or a simple custom alarm clock, the written text will always be an important part of the app. Every application has to contain some kind of help reference so that users could understand the main functions of an app, or could troubleshoot them, should any issues arise. So, improving your writing skills should be one of your key steps towards the app platform. Or, you can explore some writing services and get thesis writing help, if the content is something you want to outsource. Writing very engaging stories might not always be your exact need, yet writing comprehensive text or doing an occasional grammar check will be inevitable.

Here are some things you might need to learn about writing the content for your app:

  1. Keep it simple. Unless you’re developing a dictionary or a grammar checker, you shouldn’t bother with complex words. Not only will it keep your app accessible, but also spare you a lot of visual space, which is extremely valuable, especially in mobile apps.
  2. Use active voice more often. Whether you’re writing the text for the app manual or promotional content, make sure you’re using active voice. In order to motivate the user to do something, the tone must be a commanding one. This way, you’ll keep your user ensured that you’re confident about your app’s capabilities and that you can provide help when it’s needed.
  3. Highlight. Make sure your user sees the most essential parts of your text. The easiest and most effective way to do just that is to highlight some elements. You can use whatever fits, bold or italic text, color, or fonts. Just make sure the parts you need to highlight will stand out.
  4. Add screenshots or video aides. The visual material can replace hundreds, if not thousands of words sometimes. It’s always best to show rather than tell, and textual content in mobile apps is not an exception. Always add visual materials so that your users would have a better experience with your app.
  5. Create and maintain the FAQ section. Obviously, you can’t anticipate every single nuance of your app that users may need elaboration on. So, you’ll inevitably see users asking about something. And that’s when they’re actually making you a favor. By selecting some of the most frequent questions or those that point out rather important potential issues, and adding them to your FAQ section, you will help users learn your product better.
  6. Allow users to correct you. This is another trick on how to constantly keep your textual content up-to-date and engaging. Simply put a feedback button somewhere in the top or bottom corner of your app, and you’ll see the results coming very soon.
  7. Include Compelling Call-to-Action elements. Now that you have all the text in your app nice and tidy, it’s time to tell your users what they have to do. Motivate your users to take action, driving them to start cooperation with you and your product.

Keeping Things Neat

Users and customers always like it when they see a clean, visually appealing, and user-friendly app. While visuals and development components are always getting proper attention from app developers, writing content for your app is also something that should never be overlooked. The grammar and spelling errors stand out just as great as visual bugs and crashes. So, make sure to keep that aspect of your digital product in an appropriate shape at all times.

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