Home Review 5 Best Text Editor Software

5 Best Text Editor Software

Whether you’re a developer or a writer, a good text editor must-have on your computer. If you’re writing code, managing code or creating a website, a good text editor will save you time and help you work more efficiently. The best text editors docs will also offer recordable macros to help you code more efficiently, as well as soft customization options and plugins.

5 Best Text Editor Software [Review]


This week, we’re looking at five of the best, based on your proposals. With all that in mind, here’s our pick of the best free text editors you can download today. Just Read on…!

Notepad ++

  1. Notepad ++
  2. Sublime text (for Windows, Mac and Linux)
  3. Komodo Edit
  4. Atom
  5. Emacs

Developer: Don Ho

Initial Release on 24th November 2003

Stable release on (7.3.3): 8th march 2017

Written in: C++

Programming system: Microsoft Windows

Platform: 32 bit & 64 bit

Type: source code editor

Website: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad ++ is the best free text editor available for Windows. It is a powerful & highly capable text editor software. It supports over 50 programming languages and opens large files significantly faster.

Sublime Text:

Developer(s): Jon Skinner

Initial Release: 18th January 2008

Stable release: 8th July 2013

Written in: C++, Python

Operating system: Linux 32/64-bit, Mac Osx 10.6 or later, Microsoft Windows 32/64-bit

Website: www.sublimetext.com

Sublime text is a proprietary cross-platform source code editor. It supports many programming languages and markup languages. Its functionality can be extended by the users with plugins. Sublime text is now one of the most popular and highly-regarded text editor software.

One of the most notable things that it works across all three major platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux)

Komodo Edit:

Developer(s): active state

Initial release: November 2007

Stable Release: 17th may 2016

Written in: c++, c, xul, perl, Python, JavaScript, tcl

Operating system: Windows 7 and later, osx 10.9 and later, Linux 5 or later, Ubuntu 12.04 or later

Type: text editor, ide

Website: komodoide.com/komodo-edit

Komodo Edit is a free text editor for dynamic programming languages. Open Komodo uses the Mozilla and Scintilla code base to provide its features, including support for many popular languages.

The komodo ide and komodo edit allow user customization through plugins and macros.


Developer(s): Github Inc.

Initial release: 26th February 2014

Stable release: 8th March 2017

Written in: Electron (CoffeScript / JavaScript / HTML)

Operating system: Mac OS 10.8 or later, Microsoft Windows 7 and later, Red Hat Linux and Ubuntu Linux.

Type: source code editor

Website: atom.io

Atom is a completely free and open-source text editor with support for plugins written in Node.js.

It operates like a native application, and even the application package is customizable so you only get the modules you need. It packs a tabbed interface, multi-paned layout, easy file browser, and easy learning curve so you can get up and running with it quickly.


Developer(s): David A. Moon, Guy L. Steele, Jr.

Initial Release: 1976

Written In: Lisp, C

Operating system: TECO, cross-platform, UNIX-like

Type: Text editor

Website: www.gnu.org/software/emacs

The Most popular, and most ported, version of Emacs is GNU Emacs.

Emacs is a visual editor. That means that you have a representation of your entire document on your screen and you can move around freely, editing any part of the document you wish. It has over 2000 built-in commands and allows the user to combine these commands into macros to automate work. A beginning set of commands makes it possible to get to work immediately. GNU Emacs describes it as the extensible, customizable, self-documenting, real-time display editor.

Note: All of the above software are the best in their own Position. But my rating and vote are going on to the Notepad++ for its user-friendly features and capabilities. So, I Highly Recommended and suggested to use this software.

Last Words:-

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