4 Ways to Reduce Cost of Acquisition for Your SaaS Business


Making a name for yourself is hard no matter what you do and how successful your business is. With so much competition out there, being unique and special has never been more challenging, and you have to invest a ton of time and energy into this process. When it comes to the SaaS industry, you have to try extra hard to reach new customers and turn all your fans and followers into paying customers. Once you do that, everything else is much easier and it comes to you naturally, but making that first step requires careful planning and thinking ahead. Another thing you need to do is try to reduce your costs as much as possible because every dollar you save is a dollar your business earns. If you too are trying to reduce your costs of acquisition as well, but aren’t sure how here are a few ideas that can help you.


Define your target audience

Trying to appeal to lots of people at the same time and managing to turn them into clients who are actually going to spend money on your services sounds like the easiest job in the world, but it’s quite far from that. That’s why thinking this strategy through and spending some time defining your target audience makes more sense in the long run. 

There are lots of ways to do this, but the point isn’t just how you do it, but when. Identifying your target audience is something you should definitely do as soon as possible – even before starting your business and before you make your way in the SaaS industry. This will lower your costs and make your company more profitable, especially if handle this process in the right way. So, identify the need for your services or product first, and then find the people that might be interested in it the most. After that, it’s all about keeping in touch with your audience and making sure you have enough software to go around.

Rethink your marketing approaches

Every business relies on marketing, and this is basically the only way to make people notice your products and decide to purchase them. However, not all marketing techniques are good enough and not all bring your SaaS business enough visibility. That’s why you should think twice before choosing a certain approach and definitely keep an open mind when it comes to marketing your software.

Unlike other services and industries, SaaS business is specific when it comes to advertising, and relying on your traditional approaches might not be good enough. Moreover, all that paid advertising costs a lot and that’s no way to earn some money. Instead, you should stick to marketing methods that are either free or cheap – social media marketing, infographics, research reports, and blog content are just some of the things that are affordable but can mean quite a lot for your business. So, explore these and find a way to make the most of these ideas, and your SaaS business will start prospering more than ever. 

Boost your conversion

In the end, you won’t be able to save money until you start making more of it. After all, that’s the point of doing business and that’s what all entrepreneurs want. Of course, doing this is never easy, but there are lots of ways to make an effort, especially in the SaaS industry. Boosting conversions and turning more people from fans and followers into paying customers is one of the ways to do that, so be sure to check this idea out as soon as you can and utilize its potential.

Boosting conversions on your own is never easy, though, so you might want to find someone who knows more about this than you. Turning to professionals and using a reliable conversion rate optimization tool is an idea that can really go a long way, so don’t be afraid to do that too. Trusting professionals and people who know what they’re doing might not seem like the best idea at first, but investing money in this idea will surely pay off in the future and help your SaaS business develop even further.

Ask for referrals

No matter which marketing techniques you opt for, you shouldn’t forget the most useful one – word-of-mouth marketing. Most SaaS executives actually don’t believe that this idea will work for them and therefore tend to ignore it completely. However, if you find the right angle and encourage the right people to talk in your stead, the results might surprise you. Encouraging referrals will take some time and energy, but you’ll soon realize that these things are definitely worth your time and energy.

Satisfied customers will be ready to talk to other people about your services and products, so find a way to reach them immediately. You can look up to other companies and businesses that have been doing that for a while, and use their methods. Alternatively, you can try reaching your own user base personally and encourage them to refer your software to their friends and people who might be interested in using it. Doing this shouldn’t cost too much – you can reach them on social media, which is basically free – so you won’t be saving a ton of money as well.

Reducing your daily costs is always hard in the SaaS business, so doing whatever you can to minimize your spending is vital. Using these ideas might help you more than you realize, so do that right away and create a business model that’s sustainable, effective, and lucrative.

Jolene Rutheford
Jolene Rutherford Jolene Rutherford is a marketing specialist - turned blogger, currently writing for technivorz.com. Interested in digital marketing and new technology trends. Love sharing content that can help and mean to people.

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