Can QR Codes or BAR codes Spread Computer Viruses?


Most of the people know that what is QR Code? How does it work? What is the difference in between the QR Code and Bar Code? and Can QR Codes or BAR Codes Spread Computer Viruses? Do not understand. QR Code is a very handy tool in the present time which looks like black and white square shape and in where there is so many information are stored. When you scan a bar code, then the hidden information will come out to you more easily. This technology is used from shopping mall to visiting card, advertisement etc.

Can QR Codes or BAR Codes Spread Computer Viruses?

Can QR Codes or BAR Codes Spread Computer Viruses?

If you will watch on any product, then you will watch some black and white vertical lines. You can think about what is these? In these lines, so many numerical formats store such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. All of these codes, we say Bar Code. There are so many names of this code: Such as Core Code, Code-128, Maxi Code, Code 39, Code 16K, Code Bar etc.

Among these, QR-code is used in most cases. The looking of QR code is similar to the barcode. But, its usage is quite different. QR Code means Quick Response Code. Generally, a QR-Code can contain 7089 digits and more than 4296 Alphabets. This technology basically works on some numerical number (0-9).


Can QR Codes or BAR Codes Spread Computer Viruses |  Just have a look at these topics at a glance

  • Working principal QR Code and Barcode.
  • Barcode Readable Machine or ANDROID Software.
  • Price Look-Up Code.
  • Laser Beam Black and White Colour Portion.
  • Timing Line Error Correction Block.
  • Malicious Website Link.
  • Important Data Hack of the Smartphone.
  • Fake Q Code GENERATOR.
  • QR CODE 3 Dimensional and Data Store Ability.
  • Statistics for Research BAR CODE & QR CODE.
  • Future Technology BAR CODE & QR CODE.

You can see the block of the Square Shape of 3 corners of the QR Code. Apart from this, Timing Line, Error Correction Block etc. There are so many parts in where Programming data is stored. You can also store data in the rest of the parts.

Let’s know about it. Here is a brief description. In this video, you can also watch pictures. Hopefully, you never face any problem.


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